Head to Feet Yin
This practice is designed to destress and open the entire length of the body. You will need two blocks or a sturdy bolster for this practice.
Child’s Pose with Head Rolls. Bring your knees wide, feet together. Sink your hips to your heels and reach your fingers to the top of your mat. Take a few deep breaths down the length of your spine. Relax through the belly, chest and shoulders, forehead to the mat. Allow your breath to come to a natural rhythm, matching the length of your inhales with the length of your exhales. Gently roll your forehead on the mat, right to left and back again, massaging your forehead, grounding you to the earth. Continue head rolls for 1 minute, the hold the pose in stillness for another 2 minutes.

Sphinx with Neck Stretch. Slide forward onto your belly, prop your chest up on your forearms. Elbows under your shoulders, or slightly forward for a less intense backbend, palms flat on the mat. Reach your heart forward, shoulders down and away from the ears. Gently pull the belly in to keep from dumping into the low back. Drop the left ear to the left shoulder (not shoulder to ear!) to stretch the right side of the neck. Hold for 2 minutes and gently switch to the other side for another two minutes.
​Relax shoulders to the floor, resting your forehead to the backs of your hands, breathing into the low back for a few moments.

Heart Melting Pose. From hands and knees, reach your arms forward and stretch through the shoulders, melting your chest towards the floor. Keep your hips stacked over your knees. Hold for 3 minutes. Return to hands and knees.

Thread the Needle. Reach the left arm into the air, then thread it behind the right hand, bringing the left shoulder and ear to the mat. Draw the shoulder down, keeping as much space between the ear and shoulder as possible. The right hand can remain where it is for balance or can come behind the back for a half bind, drawing the right shoulder back and opening up through the collar bone. Hold for 3 minutes, then switch sides.

Supported Fish. Using your two blocks, position them on the middle height, one vertical between your shoulder blades, one horizontal to support your head. From sitting, legs long on the mat, lean back onto your elbows. The bottom edge of the block should be level with the base of your shoulder blades so that as you lie back, you feel a gentle opening through the chest. Adjust the second block so that it comfortably holds your head. Arms rest by your sides. Hold for 4 minutes.
​To come out, tuck your chin to your chest, then rise back up onto your elbows.

Supine Twist. Hug right knee to your chest, left leg long. Draw your right knee across your body to the left, twisting from the low back. Your left hand can rest on the knee to encourage it towards the floor, but do not pull on the knee down to go deeper. The chest is lifted to the sky, right shoulder remains on the floor. If it feels ok for your neck, look to the right. Hold for 3 minutes, then switch sides.

Supported Bridge. With bent knees, lift your hips and with your block on its middle setting, place the block under your sacrum, the flat part of your spine. This pose gently stretches into the low back. If the block on its middle setting is too intense for the low back, move the block to its lowest setting. Hold for 3 minutes, then removed the blocks and lie on your back for a few breaths.
​*if using a 3" block as opposed to a 4" block, you might feel more stable stacking two blocks on top of each other

Happy Baby. Hug your knees to your chest, bring your elbows inside your knees and reach for the outsides of your feet. Heels to the ceiling, knees towards your armpits. Stack your feet over your knees as much as possible. Try and keep your low back and tailbone on the floor, chin gently tucked so your spine remains long and relaxed on the mat. Hold for 3 minutes.

Seated Swan. From sitting, feet flat on the mat, cross your right ankle over your left knee, pressing the right knee away from your body. Hands behind you for support, chest stays lifted and spine long. To increase the stretch, bring your left foot closer to the body. Hold for 3 minutes then switch sides.

Firelog. From seated, cross the right ankle on top of the left knee, right knee on top of the left ankle. Chins should be roughly parallel with the front of your mat. To deepen, fold forward. For a less intense option, simply bring the right lower leg in front of the left instead of on top. Hold for 3 minutes, then switch sides.
​Bring feet flat to the floor and windshield legs side to side to release after each side.

Caterpillar. From seated, legs long in front of you, feet hip-width apart. Hinge forward from the hips, then allow the back to round, relaxing the neck. Head can hang heavy, or supported by a block between the legs. Resist the urge to pull yourself deeper into the pose, arms relaxed by your sides. Hold for 3 minutes, then gently walk yourself back up.
​Gently shake your legs to release. If your hamstrings are tight, place a block or your bolster under your seat to help with the forward fold.

Reclined Butterfly. Lying on your back, bring the soles of your feet together, let your knees open wide. Arms by your sides. If you have any knee issues, a block under each knee can alleviate strain. Hold for 3 minutes.

Savasana. Lie in any way that completely relaxes your body, traditionally with arms and legs extended and as wide as is comfortable. Palms up, fingers gently curled, toes falling open. If this is uncomfortable on your low back, a bolster or rolled towel under the knees is helpful, or you can keep your feet flat on the floor and let your knees fall inward. Hold for at least 5 minutes.